Friday 11 March 2016

T minus 2

It is now less than 2 weeks until we set off on our "big lap", in fact, if all goes well there are only 9 days left until we set off. In the midst of the crazy busyness of packing, downsizing and all of the other "fun" that needs to be done, the reality is only just starting to set in, as is the panic. My mind is flooded with questions and doubts, checklists and fears to the point where I am finding it hard to switch off and sleep. 

The reality of leaving my friends and neighbours, the house we built and all of the comforts of life are starting to hit and rather than looking forward to the trip, as I imagined I would be, I am starting to feel quite sad instead. I know this is an amazing opportunity and it will be a wonderful experience but that doesn't stop me from thinking of the people and things I will miss.

I thought I would write a list of the things I think I will miss, to compare it to the reality of what I do actually miss. 

I know I will miss:
  • my friends and neighbours who are like family to us
  • regularly seeing the school mums at either pick up or drop off
  • my church family
  • long hot baths
  • comfy lounge chairs
  • crafting
  • some of my books
Things I think I will miss:
  • virtually unlimited internet
  • being able to duck to the shops when we forget things, especially important things like coke and nappies (not necessarily in that order)
  • having space to myself
I've noticed that everyone who is starting to head off on a big trip has lots of questions about packing, sorting, organising etc. I will write a blog post about that once we've finished so I can include any tips and hints we've learned. For now I will share just one thing:

My clothes, minus my big bulky parka, pack down to one fruit box sized pile that weighs 7kg and looks like this:

1 comment:

  1. 7 weeks into our trip and we are loving it had a couple of hiccups along the way. Hope it all goes well for you and maybe we can meet up somewhere.
