Saturday, 10 December 2016

Port Lincoln - Coffin Bay

We spent a couple of windy days at Port Lincoln. We really needed to go to a "big" town as we desperately needed to get Tilda some new shoes as her crocs and brown boots had both broken and we also wanted to go to a "big" supermarket, rather than an IGA, to replenish our food and water.

On the way to Port Lincoln we drove via "The Woolshed" and "The Tub" at Talia Caves. These were sign posted as "geologically spectacular".  It was a 6km one way trip over very rough road and I have to say, perhaps we've been spoilt, but I found them both pretty underwhelming and I don't think it was worth towing the van to see them... but everyone and everything mentions them so we thought we'd check them out.

View into The Woolshed (a limestone cave)

View out of the Woolshed

The Tub (a cave where the roof has collapsed to create a big open tub)

Port Lincoln is home to the biggest fishing fleet in Australia and a trip to the wharves is worth it, just to check out all the amazing fishing boats. You can also go out to the tuna farms and do tours/swim with tuna. It would have been great to do but it was just way too expensive for us. You could see some of the fish farms off shore.

My favourite part of our stay at Port Lincoln was our day trip to Coffin Bay and Coffin Bay National Park. I absolutely loved Coffin Bay and would have loved to stay there. It had a nice little playground on the foreshore and a good BBQ and picnic area, where we enjoyed pizza for lunch.

Coffin Bay Foreshore

The pizza was pretty good

Playground fun

I really enjoyed Coffin Bay National Park too. We could have camped at Yangie Bay in the National Park but we weren't sure if we'd have been able to get our big van in to a site and we didn't want to drive all that way and not fit. It's good we didn't as they are in the process of upgrading it and we may not have found a suitable spot. We saw a couple of goannas, a roo and an emu, all of which are apparently very common in the National Park. There are only a couple of places you can get to without a 4WD and we decided not to do the 4WD tracks but just enjoyed the couple of spots we could visit - Yangie Bay, Avoid Bay, Point Avoid and Golden Island Lookout.

Avoid Bay looks deceptively beautiful

Golden Island

Point Avoid

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